Friday, October 2, 2009

Typolution video review

Animated film typographical Environmental minimalist flavor, punctuated by the song "Nostrand" group Ratatat directed by Olivier Beaudoin.

This animated video is great it shows the factor of polution and what effects it has on our lives and it is all done with the use of characters it is very well done. The music also works very well with this animation with light and shade used without to give more empahis on certain parts of the animation.

At the end of the animation one of the flowers is dying, its petals are falling off the petals are made up of question marks and that is the last image that is shown in the animation which is very powerful and asks us the question why is this happening?

My response to this video is that it is a great animation, and this is what is happening to our plant, we have to be more concious of what we use and be more environmentally friendly or our planet will die, just like the flower at the end. The way this message was made was smart because the generation that it is aimed for is gen x and that will draw in their attention.

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