Friday, October 2, 2009

History of Graphic Design final video review

This video is about how design has been changed and altered over the past 15,000 years and how it relates to what we are designing now.

This video showed different designs starting from: 15,000 B.C, cave drawings at Lascaux, 31,000 B.C, Sumerian pictographs, 1300 B.C, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 500 A.D, Illuminated manuscripts, the book of kells, 1400 A.D, Illuminated manuscripts, the book of hours, the limbourg brothers, 1470 A.D, Movable type, Nicolas Jensen, 1529 A.D, Movable type, Geofory Tory, 1700 A.D, Movable type Giambasta Bodoni, 1800 A.D, Movable type, Vincent Figgins, and 1900 A.D Art Nouveau.

It was very interesting to see how the times have changed and that this is the orignal design method that was used all those years ago. I enjoyed the video it was a real eye opener to see were the background of design has come from.

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