Friday, October 2, 2009

Kareem Rizk

Kareem graduated from Monash Uni in 2004, he studied Graphic Design. Karrem went out into the work force and got a job at the Herald Sun in 2006/2007. He worked at the Herald Sun for 8 - 9 months but wasnt happy with his job. He naturally progressed from Graphic Design into Fine Art.

2006 Kareem shifted into Fine Art, he liked the collage concept of Fine Art, he would scratch out faces and type to stay away from copyright infringement. The images that Kareem sources are from old publications he never uses any images from publications that are printed after 1980.

Kareem still works like a Graphic Designer he structures his work on a grid, and rather from working from the background to the foreground , Kareem gets an image and works the composition around that image. When Kareem sources images he sets them up in a different setting than they originally were so it dosnt infringe any copyright.

Kareem dosnt use newspaper clippings because they black and white and they dont last as long as magazine clippings. The size of Kareems works range from 10 X 10 inchs to 30 X 30 inchs.

Some of Kareems influences include Richard Hamilton, Charles Wilkin, Mario Wagner, Edvadio Recife all these collage artists have helped Kareem in his works. Edvadio was the guy that influenced Kareem to pursue collage.

Kareem was very interesting he explained to us that it is important to follow your dream and love what you do because that will get you out in the industry. Kareem followed his passion and know collage is his full time job.

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