4. LG Australian Electrical brand.
5. Afl logo is only famous in Australia because it is the only sport that is played here and nowhere else in the world.
A brief history of ACCA: The ACCA is free, it only shows contempory art, every exhibition is only up for 2 months, ACCA dosnt exhibit paintings and sculptures, but does exhibit singers, dancers and even had an avery of live finches, always contemporary.
The Dwelling was an exhibition of 12 artists. The piece that stood out the most for me was the, The great Artesian Basin, 2003. It was created by 2 Australian artists, David Haines and Joyce Hinterding. The house seems to be posessed/haunted it has water gushing out of it, it is like an image you would see on a movie for example Jumanji. The house looks dead, It is like an image from the acopolyspe, there is no life, people have been washed away.
It was a weird exhibition it wasnt what i was expecting it was dark and spooky something that dosnt excite me very much but once the speaker explained the pieces to us it started to get a bit mose interesting.
The main concept of Robbies work is cutting through layers and exposing layers. When Robbie first went to look at the church to see the canvas that he was going to work on, there was no floors, the first thing he thought is were he was going to put his work beacause his work is normally on the floor.
The cross that was cut out from the cupboards was transformed into a curved over cross as if it was dead, that is what i got from that scupture. Cutting the cross out from the cupboard was a big deal for Robbie, thought of his mum straight away, what would she think? Robbies family has a strong Christian background.
Apart from the church getting demolished Robbie has put alot of time making his sculptures and showing it to the public. It is really well done what he has accomplished even though many think its not art, including me, when i first walked in the church i thought what is this a building with no floor and bits cut out from the wall THIS ISNT ART, but then Robbie spoke to us and talked about his feelings towards the work and what his reasoning was behind it and then i thought IT IS ART, all art dosnt have to be painting or a outdoor sculpture and can be contemporary and out there just like Robbies work.
It was an interesting exhibition and different i have never experienced any work like this before and it was good to see and appreciate different types of artwork that can be produced.
The photography is unsettling presenting workfrom 1983 - 2006. Ballen was born in New York City in 1950, he was introduced to photography at an early age, through his mother who worked for magnum photography agency and also ran her own gallery in New York. Roger Ballens works have been collected in the following books: boyhood (1970), Dorps (1986), platteland (1994) and many more.
The Photograph that stood out the most for me was the image of Dresie and Cassie, twins. This photograph was very confronting and hard to look at, it is a scary image thay both looked like mass - murderers, they had that look about them. They are drolling and have a stare that scared me. But art is not all about beauty.
All the photographs that Roger Ballen had taken have no visual depth, they all look very flat that is done intentically to make them look creepy, and add some shadows around the figures. Roger used black and white photography diliberatley to set the mood, as these pictures are mysterious and creepy, if they were in colour they would set a different mood, happy and bright. All the photographs that were on display used alot of line and shapes within the photo itself.
I didnt like this exhibition myself, i think because it was so confronting and creepy, i think it will stick in the back of my head though. I think i didnt like it because i have never witnessed this sought of photography before it was something new and extremly different.