Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 10 Australian Logos

1. Foxtel is a well known brand for cable tv in Australia.
2. Vegemite is a well known spread all over the world but is made in Australia which makes it part of my top 10 Australian logos.

3. Safeway is a well known Australian supermarket.

4. LG Australian Electrical brand.

5. Afl logo is only famous in Australia because it is the only sport that is played here and nowhere else in the world.

6. Channel 10

7. Quntas has been around for many years and has recently changed their logo but only a little so there is not much difference and you can tell its still the Quantas airline.

8. Commonwealth Bank

10. The Australian Made logo is very famous around the world, and Australia it is used on products to promote and sell the Australian products.

All these logos that are shown above are famous in Australia, these logos are my top ten picks of the top logos in Australia.

Monash Exhibition

The Monash exhibition was a exhibition of artworks created by the students at monash uni, it was an interesting exhibition showcasing the talents of the students.
It was very interesting to see the different ideas and thoughts from the students at uni.

There were different rooms set up for the different areas of works, such as industrial design, multi media,and visual design etc. The room i liked the best was the industrial design room, all the pieces in this room were finished with great detail, the work that i liked the most in this room was called A.N.T (aid necessities transporter), every day we are witnessed unvoidable effects of global climate crisis impacting all parts of the world and the answer is quick and effective and response to areas in need. I thought this is something we really need you see all these enviromental diasters that happen and people cant get to one in other and help in need. As when the mining diaster happened in Tasmania, the transporter would have been the ideal gadget then.

After we looked through the industrial design section we went and had a look at the multimedia section they had so many computers in that room doing all different things. They had a touch screen computer that was really cool it was a flash built site that was fully interactive. It was a great to see the different programs and videos that are made up of multimedia programs.

The last room we looked in was the visual design room it showcased all the visual areas of design which included folios and big printouts of works it was very interesting to see the standard of work from university work compared to the work we do at tafe.

Overall the exhibition was good except for the way home when the train was delayed due to the lightening, then when i get into my car i got bogged but then i went home and had an allright afternoon.