Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Transformations J Space.

12th Nov - 18th Dec 2009, This exhibition showed off the works done by graduate students from the certificate IV, Interactive Digital Media course.

It was a very interesting exhibition showing us the diverse range of talent that has been done at Chisholm. I already had a look earlier in the week at all the work so it gave me an idea what the exhibiton was all about, it was so different every piece was unique.
There was one piece that i really liked it was located in the fishbowl it was number 74, Not of this world it was very interesting showing us that nothing is to difficult and when we want to design and construct something it can happen.

Another piece of work that i liked was number 60, Foxes in the chook house this piece shows diverse colours which made the piece stand right out from the wall this artwork is dark, gloomy but bright and colourful at the same time it is a very interesting piece of artwork. 

There was a couple of artwork pieces i didnt understand at all, like the sculptures that were in the main area of the exhibition there is a photo above of them, i had no idea what they were about, they looked like thing from outer space. I suppose if the multimedia students came into our class room i think they would have the same point of view as me.

Also the other one i didnt understand was the sculpture in the fishbowl it kept repeating the I AM A ARTIST, it started to get annoying after a while, i didnt interest me at all. The other artwork in the fish bowl that was hanging up on the wall was a three series of images, it was the same image repeated over three times and it used different filters and brushes on each image that made it stand out, the image was the same but all three looked different.

All and all it was a great way to showcase the work done by the Chisholm multimedia students. I enjoyed this exhibition and seeing what the other students do at Tafe. I liked the use of colour and textures that were used in the pieces they really stood out. and looked great hanging up on the wall.